
Job Apparel Collective


Job Apparel Collective™ was a brand created to have meaning and a hope in God – both for strength to endure and to help transform hardships into something far greater than mere pain. Every element of the brand had a deeper message to tell. The product, packaging, print collateral, advertising and eCommerce website were all developed to bring together a collective of people for celebrating life’s struggles and sharing their stories.

“My ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you.” – Job 42:5

Patina Creative:

The process of bringing something new into being that results in change from exposure;
a reflection of character, value and desired appearance.

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Questions. Suggestions. Concerns. Ideas. Aspirations. Interests. Challenges. Thoughts. Ventures. We want to hear from you.

patina creative


Mpls., MN 55318